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Growing into Eco

By October 10, 2018 No Comments

Wellbeing is crucial to the DCB family as is our commitment to the environment and one way we are demonstrating this is by developing an eco-garden on-site at our Trafford Park headquarters.

It will give our staff somewhere to enjoy the fresh air and relax. We will be planting bee and butterfly friendly flowers and shrubs as well as spring bulbs in the coming weeks. Come and see the garden as it begins to flourish, we are also happy to have a green helping hand!

Fresh air, exercise and a chance to get away from computer screens and the pressures of the modern world. That’s the thinking behind creating an eco-garden at the DCB headquarters in Trafford Park.

Our finance manager, Joanne Seaton, is one of the driving forces behind the project and revealed that things are really set to take shape over the autumn.

She said: “We have chosen the plot where we plan to do it and digging will begin this month”.

“We have a team of nine people who will volunteer to help, prep, plant and maintain the garden. We will be planting a selection of bulbs that will flower in the spring, plus rose bushes, shrubs and some winter bedding plants – which we will replace in the spring.”

The team will be working hard on the plot over the autumn before the winter kicks in when they will be looking to do some maintenance like weeding and clearing up.

Victoria Hart, our managing director says: “It’s a brilliant idea. Not only will it be great for the environment, but we hope it will add to the wellbeing of our staff as the eco garden will become a place they can go to enjoy the wildlife and the plants and to relax. Joanne and her team are doing a fantastic job and I can’t wait to see it develop.”